Extreme Loading® for Structures Software (ELS) offers a new advanced level of nonlinear dynamic
structural analysis, which allows users efficiently to study structural failure from any number of actual or possible extreme events. Unlike traditional FEM software, users can easily model masonry structures with all as-built and as-damaged details, including both brick and mortar as separate materials. Users can also model complete reinforcement details, prestressing, retrofitting, damage, corrosion, cracks, and material weakening. Complex geometry, connections, and reinforcement can be modeled easily without the need for transition elements required by typical FEA tools. Applied loads are virtually unlimited and may be sequenced in a multi-hazard approach with staged loading to simulate repeated or a chain of events, including earthquakes, fire, blast, impact, tsunami, high wind, and progressive collapse.
Easily Model Masonry – Staggered masonry template includes separate brick and mortar materials.
Automated Cracking – Cracks are generated automatically by the solver.
Automated Separation – Separation and resulting debris due to extreme loads requires no user intervention.
It’s what’s on the inside that counts
Learn how you can improve your results with ELS by visiting www.extremeloading.com