We’re happy to announce the release of SteelSmart System Version 7.3! We’ve made a number of great improvements including the optimization of a number of modules to make designing easier as well as the addition of a few new TSN products.
Update to SSS v7.3 today by logging into your account on the ASI Portal.
What’s new in Version 7.3:
User Interface:
- Add live news feed for software updates.
- Add user reminders 30 days before expiration of license.
Load Bearing and Curtain Walls:
- Introduce new framing connectors MasterClip VLB600 and DriftTrak DTLB600, DTLB800.
- Enable double StiffClip AL for all configurations of opening header as needed.
- Enable double clips for head/base connections of opening jamb as needed.
- Update to 2015 Hilti database for PAFs, Adhesive and Mechanical Anchors.
- According to bracing condition, change K(phi) to be 50 lbs.in/in when bracing is full.
- Update calculations for the design of header end connections.
- Update calculations of the torsional/flexural-torsional buckling stress for back-to-back and toe-to-toe stud configurations.
- Update calculations for design of jamb to include eccentric moment about weak axis resulting from gravity loads on header.
X-Brace StiffWall:
- Add StiffWall Plus boot.
- Add mechanical anchors and HIT-HY200 for foundation connection.
- Update Inter-story drift calculations and output.
- Consider the vertical dimension as the clear height of the shear wall column instead of the panel height when calculating wall aspect ratio.
- Update allowable shear strength of screws connecting strap plate to strap track.
- Simplify calculation of anchor tension to slab.
- Add mechanical anchors for connection to slab.
- Update live load cases and load combinations.
Load Generator & Distributor:
- Give user option to expand the view of shear wall data tab in a standalone form for better manipulation.
Roof Trusses:
- Improve geometry of truss templates.
Resources and Help:
- Add new and updated light steel framing details.
- Update technical manual, user manual and verification samples.
Update to SSS v7.3 today by logging into your account on the ASI Portal.
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