The catastrophic collapse of the Champlain Tower South Condo in Surfside, Florida, in 2021, serves as a crucial case study in structural engineering and safety. Researchers employed advanced methods like the Applied Element Method (AEM), using Extreme Loading for Structures (ELS) software to analyze different hypothetical scenarios that could have led to this tragedy. Their findings indicate that the collapse likely initiated from the failure of deep beams at the pool deck level, which were connected to the building’s perimeter columns. This failure triggered a progressive collapse of the eastern wing of the building, a sequence that was consistent with footage from the actual collapse.

In response to these findings, the study proposes vital design modifications that could have prevented such a disaster. The first suggestion involves disconnecting the pool deck beam from the perimeter columns, which could have prevented the local collapse of the pool deck slab from affecting the rest of the building. The second recommendation is to enhance the torsional strength and stiffness of the building’s core, which might have stopped the collapse of the eastern part of the building under the given assumptions and scenarios.

This research underscores the importance of proactive and thorough design considerations in building construction. It highlights the need for regular maintenance and updates, especially in older structures, to mitigate the risks of catastrophic failures. By learning from the Champlain Tower South collapse, engineers and architects can better understand how to prevent similar incidents in the future, ensuring the safety and longevity of residential buildings.