Fábio Bruno Construções Ltda successfully imploded the 8 buildings that encompased the Presídio Frei Caneca prison with the help of ASI’s advanced demolition analysis and planning services.

The prison, consisted of 8, 5-story reinforced concrete structures. The demolition plan called for the implosion of all 8 structures in short succession which was analyzed using ASI’s Extreme Loading® Technology to assess the demolition plan.

ASI submitted a full engineering analysis and simulation predicting the outcome of the planned demolition to the implosionist, Fábio Bruno Construções Ltda, ASI’s Exclusive Demolition Analysis Member in Brazil. The simulations run by ASI were used to assist Fábio Bruno Construções Ltda plan the actual demolition, modify some details regarding the demolition sequence and provide assurance government officials regarding the safety and effectiveness of the demolition sequence prior to the actual implosion.



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