Watch Dr. Ahmed Amir Khalil’s presentation on the use of ASI’s Demolition Simulation Technology to save lives during Urban Search and Rescue Operations at the 2017 World Demolition Summit in Florida. 

Bio: Dr. Khalil is a Structural Consultant at Applied Science International, LLC (ASI) and has 20 years of Structural Engineering experience managing projects involving collapse analysis, demolition design, blast analysis, structural vulnerability assessment, and forensic engineering based on high fidelity nonlinear dynamic numerical analysis. He has authored dozens of papers on applications of applied element method in earthquake analysis, progressive collapse analysis, blast analysis, and other types of extreme loads analysis. He is a member of the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) Disproportionate Collapse Technical Committee as well as the American Society of Engineers, and the American Concrete Institute. Dr. Khalil has delivered numerous invited speeches at conferences, engineering institutes, and universities in the United States, Europe, Australia, South America, and the Middle East.

Keywords: Structural Engineering; Forensic Engineering; Numerical Modeling; Earthquake; Simulation; Bridges; Collapse; Investigation; Urban Search & Rescue; Reinforced Concrete; AEM; ELS; Extreme Loading; Demolition Simulation;

Speaker: Ahmed Khalil, Ph.D., P.E., M. ASCE.