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Teaming with ESI Security Technology

On May 25, 2011, ASI signed a Teaming Agreement with ESI Security Technology (ESI). The companies will combine their efforts in providing full service vulnerability assessment services to security and construction companies around the world.  The companies will be...

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ASI at Structures Congress 2011 – Las Vegas Nevada

Going to Structures Congress 2011 in Las Vegas, Nevada?  Visit ASI at Booth #421 to learn how you can save time & money throughout the structural performance lifecycle with ASI’s practical solutions from design-to-demolition. Design Mid-Rise Structures with...

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Implosion of the Rio de Janeiro University Hospital

Fábio Bruno Construções Ltda successfully imploded the South wing of the Rio de Janeiro University Hospital with the help of ASI's advanced demolition analysis services. The hospital, considered to be the first reinforced concrete structure in Rio consisted of 16...

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Implosion of the Presidio Frei Caneca Prison

Fábio Bruno Construções Ltda successfully imploded the 8 buildings that encompased the Presídio Frei Caneca prison with the help of ASI's advanced demolition analysis and planning services. The prison, consisted of 8, 5-story reinforced concrete structures. The...

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Fabio Bruno Construçoes – Quality Leap in Implosion

Fábio Bruno Construções took a quantum leap over other companies using a simulated implosion before the fall of the buildings known as Skeleton Man, in Santa Cruz. For the first time in Brazil a simulation of the implosion was used in partnership with the American...

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